About Blog

A diva is a well, I think we all have interesting ideas of our expectations of diva, but regardless of what our definition is, diva includes excellence, and that's my favorite part. Sometimes a diva can be high strung, sometimes over demanding, but it's all to get the best results, herself included. I believe that we all have a diva inside of us; some of us have already discovered this potentially brash, confident, compassionate and loving side, some of us are still working to bring our divaness out. This is not a male or female thing; we all have a diva that's just waiting to pop out.

I decided to start blogging as a way to put myself out there. As I was approaching 30, I realized that my life was not much different from others around the same age group. And it is at this stage that we start trying to figure out much about our lives and where it is going. I decided to use this blog as a forum to express some of my challenges as a 30something year old, and also as a way to get my opinions and observations out there. It has become a bit of an online journal, but I would like it to be a little bit more. Ideally it would provide relevant and current information that 30something year olds can find useful and reference as needed. It is also a way for me to practice my skills in writing. I've always had a penchant for writing, but found that I had to be absolutely inspired to produce anything half-decent. The other purpose for this blog is for me to commit to something and see it through...avoid all those half-stepping moments that have become my life. The current plan is to break down my entries into several topics that interest me. Some of them will include:

Health corner: In order for our success, we must be healthy. Public health is very important for me and as we navigate the 30’s, our health will become increasingly relevant.

A weighted battle: Though part of our health, weight issues have a special place in my world. I have been “battling” my weight and surrounding health implications for a few years now and it turns out everyone is having this battle. I would like to share some thoughts, tips and other information to help us keep our weight in a healthy range.

Women matters: I am very concerned about the plight of women in the world. It is very apparent that we live in a man’s world and I would like to add my voice to the many voices out there about how much women do matter in the world. I am also interested in getting women to feel comfortable about ourselves and would like to discuss some of the more intimate life situations that we don’t always get to discuss or hear other folks discuss (Sorry, nothing kinky). Men, don’t check out of these discussions!

And the rest: I have interests in the world, the arts, cooking, relationships, my hair issues, and much more than I hope will stimulate discussion and definitely let us realize that we’re all experiencing different shades of the same life challenges.

I hope to see myself evolve through my blogs. I would love to hear from you all reading; please subscribe and share with anyone that would find this forum beneficial or at the very least entertaining!

Keep smiling!
Half-stepping diva