Acts of Kindness

100 Intentional Acts of Kindness to Yourself

1. Get up 15 minutes earlier.
2. Prepare for the morning the night before.
3. Don’t rely on your memory-write things down.
4. Do nothing you have to lie about later.
5. Make copies of all keys.
6. Practice preventive maintenance.
7. Be prepared to wait.
8. Don’t procrastinate, do it now.
9. Plan ahead.
10. Repair or get rid of anything that doesn’t work right.
11. Allow 15 minutes of extra time to get to appointments.
12. Reduce or eliminate the caffeine in your diet.
13. Always set up a 'contingency plan’ just in case.
14. Relax your standards.
15. Count 10 things you are grateful for everyday.
16. Ask questions and repeat directions or instructions.
17. Say “no” more often.
18. Unplug your phone.
19. Learn to meet your own needs.
20. Simplify, simplify, simplify.
21. Avoid negative people.
22. Stand up and stretch.
23. Remember you always have options.
24. Get enough sleep. Set your alarm for bedtime.
25. Organize! Losing things is stressful.
26. Monitor your body for stress signs.
27. Write you thoughts and feelings down on paper.
28. Take deep breaths when you feel stressed.
29. Visualize success before any experience you fear.
30. Stop a bad habit.
31. Talk out your problems with a friend.
32. Quit trying to ‘fix’ other people.
33. Learn to live one day at a time.
34. Do something you really enjoy everyday.
35. Add an ounce of love to everything you do.
36. Take a bath or a shower when you feel tense.
37. Do a favor for someone when you feel tense.
38. Focus on giving rather than receiving from others.
39. Do something new.
40. Accept the things that you can’t change.
41. Be flexible. Some things are not worth perfection.
42. Stop negative self-talk: “I’m too fat, too old. etc.”
43. Change pace on the weekends.
44. Pay attention to details in front of you.
45. Do one thing at a time.
46. Allow time everyday for privacy, quiet and thinking.
47. Do unpleasant task first and enjoy the day.
48. Delegate responsibilities to capable people.
49. Go out to lunch and get away from your work.
50. Don’t say something that could make matters worse.
51. Forgive people and events. The world is not a perfect place.
52. Practice being more optimistic and cheerful.
53. Identify the things that cause you stress.
54. Smile.
55. Believe in yourself.
56. Keep in touch with friends and relatives.
57. Give and receive attention regularly.
58. Exercise at least three times a week.
59. Live within your budget.
60. Have a network of friends and acquaintances.
61. Eat healthy foods and drink plenty of water.
62. Look for the silver lining.
63. Do something fun at least once a week.
64. Use your time wisely.
65. Get strength from your beliefs.
66. Look at your problems as challenges.
67. Think good thoughts.
68. Take more breaks from your work.
69. Talk less, listen more.
70. Make your environment more comfortable.
71. Don’t sweat the small stuff.
72. Seek the help and advice of the people you trust.
73. Work on things that are important.
74. Treat yourself and others with respect.
75. Set daily goals.
76. Be gentle with yourself.
77. Avoid interruptions.
78. Don’t let other people’s problems become yours.
79. When you are feeling overwhelmed, say so.
80. Trade in the upsetting nightly news for a comedy.
81. Read 15 minutes daily from a book that you enjoy.
82. Refuse to listen to or repeat gossip.
83. Have fun. Plan silly breaks.
84. Get out in nature, even for a few minutes.
85. Music…listen, sing, dance and turn off that TV!
86. Pray on a regular basis.
87. Practice grace under pressure.
88. Create a support group of people, places and things.
89. Always tell the truth, it’s easier to remember.
90. Know your limitations and let others know them too.
91. Ask for help when you need it.
92. Know your values and priorities and be true to them.
93. Listen to your dreams.
94. Learn, give and accept compliments.
95. Buy yourself flowers.
96. Live in the ‘here and now’ as much as possible.
97. Laugh as much as possible.
98. Watch the world go by and let yourself do nothing.
99. Indulge when you need it.
100. Keep your life free of clutter.

From: Healthy African American Families